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'Improving Subnational Disaster Management in Sierra Leone' Evaluating Local Disaster Management in Sierra Leone (EVALDIS) Final Report 2023 No. 1
ReportThe EVALDIS Final Report No. 1 represents a comprehensive assessment of the challenges facing provincial, district and local disaster management across the country and is designed to contribute valuable research based and evidenced recommendations that can help to shape the NDMA’s thinking and direction towards developing stronger regional capacities across the country in 2023.

NECR503 eDNA monitoring of restoration effects on the River Severn (Phase II) Unlocking the Severn LIFE project (NECR503)
ReportThe ‘Unlocking the Severn’ project has reconnected 158 miles of shad and sea lamprey habitat through the creation of fish passes at four weirs on the River Severn between Diglis and Lincomb.